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Customizable Head Support

Customizable Head Support
Customizable Head Support shown without Cushion

The Customizable Head Support is a shell and cushion system. The shell may be used with any customizable cushion. The unique shape of the shell was designed to encourage the cushion to return the patient to a repeatable position from fraction to fraction.

  • Allows more support under patient's neck for less superior-inferior movement (pitch)
  • Provides enhanced comfort so patient is less likely to move during treatment
  • Shell provides several unique contours to guide the cushion into the same position for each fraction
  • Two small pins centered inside the shell provide fixed, repeatable points while preventing the cushion from moving
  • Deep "bowl" shape provides a deeper head capture than using a cushion alone or standard head supports

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Product Number Description Box Quantity
CHS02 Customizable Head Support, Type-S 1
CHS01 Customizable Head Support, Posifix 1
Item Title
MR Series Brochure MR Series Brochure
Customizable Head Support Technical Data Sheet Customizable Head Support Technical Data Sheet
Customizable Head Support Training Video
Head and Neck Immobilization Device Comparison

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